⚙️ address
- Constants
⚙️ authenticator_state
- Resource AuthenticatorState
⚙️ bag
A bag is a heterogeneous map-like collection. The collection is similar to sui::table in that
⚙️ balance
A storable handler for Balances in general. Is used in the Coin
⚙️ bcs
This module implements BCS (de)serialization in Move.
⚙️ bls12381
Group operations of BLS12-381.
⚙️ borrow
A simple library that enables hot-potato-locked borrow mechanics.
⚙️ clock
APIs for accessing time from move calls, via the Clock: a unique
⚙️ coin
Defines the Coin type - platform wide representation of fungible
⚙️ config
- Resource Config
⚙️ deny_list
Defines the DenyList type. The DenyList shared object is used to restrict access to
⚙️ display
Defines a Display struct which defines the way an Object
⚙️ dynamic_field
In addition to the fields declared in its type definition, a Sui object can have dynamic fields
⚙️ dynamic_object_field
Similar to sui::dynamic_field, this module allows for the access of dynamic fields. But
⚙️ ecdsa_k1
- Constants
⚙️ ecdsa_r1
- Constants
⚙️ ecvrf
- Constants
⚙️ ed25519
- Function ed25519verify
⚙️ event
Events module. Defines the sui::emit function which
⚙️ groth16
- Struct Curve
⚙️ group_ops
Generic Move and native functions for group operations.
⚙️ hash
Module which defines hash functions. Note that Sha-256 and Sha3-256 is available in the std::hash module in the
⚙️ hex
HEX (Base16) encoding utility.
⚙️ hmac
- Function hmacsha3256